- Akınerdem F. Babül E. ‘Looming Dangers and Responsible Citizens:Techno-Political Moral Discourse in Official Disaster Communication Campaigns in Turkey’. Brismes 2023 Conference: Ecology, Crisis, and Power in the Middle East. Exeter University, UK, July 3-5 (forthcoming).
- Akınerdem F. ‘Rethinking the Audience between Global Flows and State Interventions in Turkey’ (revised for roundtable discussion). Anthropology of Media in Turkey: Theory, Methodology, and Future Orientations. Workshop funded by Wenner-Gren Foundation. Kadir Has University, Istanbul, September 8-10.
- Akınerdem F. ‘Speaking Loneliness, Silencing Sexuality: Women’s Quest for Marriage at a Later Age on Reality Television in Turkey’. Reproductive Health Working Group (RHWG) Meeting. The Eastern Mediterranean Public Health Network, Amman, July 11-13.
- Akınerdem F. ‘Rethinking the Audience between Global Flows and State Interventions in Turkey’. Rencontres et Formes de Représentation à l’ère de la Mondialisation. Une Perspective Artistique et Académique. EHESS, Paris, June 22-23.
- Akınerdem F. ‘Spectacular Matchmaking: The Marriage Show in Turkey’. Something Old, Something New: The Wedding Spectacle across Contemporary Media Cultures Symposium, Leicester University, Leicester, September 16.
- Akınerdem F. ‘Popüler Kültürde Cinsel Şiddet’ [Sexual Violence in Popular Culture]. Erkek Şiddeti, Görünürlük ve Medya: Türkiye’de Medya ve Kadın Hareketi Üzerine Bir Konferans’ [Men’s Violence, Visibility and the Media: A Conference on Media and the Women’s Movement in Turkey]. Swedish Research Institute, Istanbul, February 15.
- Akınerdem F. ‘Evlilik Programlarının Özne Kurgusu, Öznelerin Evlilik Arzusu’ [The Making of the Desiring Subject on the Marriage Show]. Disiplinlerarası Medya Çalışmaları Lisansüstü Konferansı [Interdisciplinary Media Studies Graduate Conference]. İstanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul, May 2.
- Akınerdem F. ‘Family in Representation: The Case of a Day-Time Talk Show in Turkey’. Media@LSE Symposium. London School of Economics, June 7.
- Akınerdem F. ‘Resolving the Impossible Conflict: Modern-Traditional Dichotomy in Turkish Melodrama’, Changing Lens: Visual Media and Otherness in Academic Research, School of Oriental and African Studies. March 30-31.